No Excuses.
Think Safety.
We manufacture and assist in the design of Traffic Signals, Light Poles, Streetscape Items, Misc. Steel Fabrication, and Public Art Projects.
Southwest Fabrication LLC, operates on a 45,000 square foot facility, located on a ten acre parcel in North Phoenix, Arizona, with approximately 50 employees. We offer exceptional quality products, at an affordable price. We custom fabricate to suit our customer’s requirements. We provide conceptual drawings and prototypes (if requested), along with final engineered plans and specifications as necessary.
We have gained approval from utilities and agencies such as the Arizona Public Service company, Salt River Project, Arizona Department of Transportation and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. We provide installation of our products for commercial and developments throughout the greater Phoenix metropolitan area as well as other Arizona municipalities.
Our products are vandal resistant, with a durable powdercoat, paint, galvanize or zinc coating, and are used by residential developers, municipalities, transit agencies, shopping centers, office parks, health care facilities, universities, museums, parks, and hotels.